Normal Blood Sugar Regulation
Below is a graphical representation of normal insulin signalling and blood glucose regulation. On the following page, we show how insulin resistance arises and how it disrupts other biochemical systems that lead to the symptoms associated with PCOS.

1. After digesting a meal the elevated blood glucose provides a signal to the pancreas to produce insulin.
2. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas into the bloodstream and circulates around the body.
3 & 4. Insulin binds to the receptor and activates 2nd messengers which increase absorption of glucose and its conversion to long-term energy stores (glycogen or fat).
5. The resultant lowering of blood glucose acts as a shut-off signal to the pancreas, preventing further production and release of insulin until blood glucose rises again.
6. There is no linkage in this state between the glucose-insulin system and androgen production and regulation.
In PCOS, the lack of an essential metabolite drives up insulin production, causing many of the typical symptoms – click here to see how