For Clinicians

If you would like more information, or for one of our representatives to visit to discuss the role that Replenitol can play in your practice, please email us. We are always happy to meet one on one, in group sessions or to attend breakfast, lunch or dinner meetings and make an a/v presentation followed by questions.

You can download our support literature by clicking below:

Product information: Physiology, Biochemistry & Supporting Evidence​

Information leaflet: Boosting Fertility in women and men

Information leaflet for women with PCOS


Although Replenitol is a dietary supplement, we present the facts in the same way as we would if it were a pharmaceutical compound. Our literature is fully referenced and is kept up to date in this very fast-moving field. Where rights allow, we provide direct links to full papers; where this is not possible, the link will take you to the abstract and give the full citation. Please click here for the references.