Benefits in PCOS
Replenitol can improve or eliminate all PCOS symptoms
Replenitol can improve or eliminate all of the symptoms associated with polycystic ovary syndrome by correcting the root cause of the problem in most instances. Below is a diagram showing how a genetic predisposition and/or environmental factors can interact to cause a deficiency of Replenitol's active ingredient. Fortunately, this deficiency can be supplemented with Replenitol, eliminating or reducing all of the associated signs and symptoms. All of these improvements have been demonstrated in the sizeable number of peer-reviewed journals which show what you can realistically expect from this innovative new product.
You can think of this type of PCOS as essentially being like a vitamin deficiency. There are varying degrees of the deficiency but all affected women, where the main underlying cause of their PCOS is a metabolic deficiency, may benefit from Replenitol treatment. In most cases the biochemical profile returns to normal, ovulation returns to a normal cycle and non-fertility symptoms also improve. Typically, about 70% of women with PCOS will see marked improvements with Replenitol.
Symptoms of PCOS can vary in range and severity, they may include:
Irregular/absent periods
Difficulty in getting pregnant
Adult acne/oily skin
Hirsutism – unwanted hair on the body, face or buttocks
Loss or thinning of scalp hair
Weight gain – can be rapid and difficult to lose
Mood changes and depression
Can Replenitol help across the whole symptom range? The short answer is yes and below we have reproduced some of the studies that demonstrate its efficacy. If you would like to understand what happens at a cellular level the section under the PCOS heading in the title bar should help enhance your understanding.

This schematic places depletion of myo-inositol at the centre of PCOS causation. It is driven by raised blod sugar that might be due to a diet that is overly dependent on carbohydrates or could be hereditary or a combination of the two. The depletion worsens blood sugar regulation which further depletes the critical metabolite, leading to a vitamin-like deficiency that can halt the vicious cycle and reverse the adverse impact of PCOS.
Myo-inositol plays some crucial roles:
Regulation of blood sugar as insulin 2nd messengers
Regulation of cholesterol
Normal selection and maturation of follicles (eggs) in women and the development and functionality of sperm in men
Replenitol provides myo-inositol in tablet form. It is released much more slowly than dissolved sachets so that it more closely mimics your body. The initial impact is to replenish the insulin second messengers, allowing your body to properly control your blood glucose levels. Simultaneously, it also allows supplies the substrate for normal phosphoinositide production - essential for normal trans-membrane signalling and transport of blood-borne lipids. Lastly, follicular and epididymal fluids have some of the highest concentrations of MI. Women and men facing fertility challenges often have reduced levels of myo-inositol in these gamete-supporting fluids. Replenitol can restore normal concentrations in both.
Restoring or normalising ovulation is a good start point for any women trying to have a child
Most women with PCOS do not ovulate regularly and/or frequently. In studies, normal ovulation is restored in 70% of women after just 3 months. This is a huge step towards becoming pregnant.
Among women attending fertility clinics for a course of IVF about 10% of women became pregnant without any further interventions. If you do not wish to have a child and do not routinely use contraception you may wish to consider what options are suitable for you. Within the same trial women who received pretreatment were also 51% more likely to become pregnant and there were almost 60% fewer cancelled cycles. Women in the treatment group also enjoyed an average of 3½ fewer days having to self-inject.

Taking Replenitol for just 3 months improved the proportion of top quality eggs (oocytes) from 36 to 82%, leading to a two and a half-fold increase in the chances of becoming pregnant and of having a baby.
“overall quality of oocytes and, consequently, that of the embryos developed is significantly improved as a result of treatment with inositol and with them the number of clinical pregnancies obtained is increased”(20)
“supplementation is efficient in changing many of the hormonal disturbances of PCOS... could modify the reproductive axis, improving oocytes quality and pregnancy rates.”(21)

Keeps you and baby healthy throughout pregnancy
Replenitol should be continued once you become pregnant because it protects you from developing diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes). It reduces your chances of becoming diabetic by two-thirds. Click here to see the pregnancy section
Hirsutism, acne and regular periods
Unwanted hair (hirsutism) eliminated in 30% of women in only 6 months
One of the most common and troubling aspects of PCOS is unwanted hair. It is usually only possible to treat symptoms with creams, laser therapy, electrolysis or shaving. Replenitol can eliminate hirsutism: after just 6 months 30% of women were cured of all hirsutism symptoms. You can see the published data here - it clearly shows the link between biochemical improvement with clinical benefits.
Acne/oily skin incidence halved in just 6 months
Acne is another very common symptom that can undermine confidence: it was completely eliminated in 53% of women in 6 months. You can see the published data here - it clearly shows the link between biochemical improvement with clinical benefits.
Period problems – protection from cervical cancer
Most women with PCOS may have infrequent or absent periods. Replenitol can normalise your cycle by promoting normal ovulation. Ovulation is an absolute requirement for becoming pregnant - Replenitol restores ovulation in up to 88% of those affected. Normal menstruation - at least twice a year - protects against endometriosis and cervical cancer.
Biochemical correction leads to clinical improvement
Underlying most diagnoses of PCOS, one often sees biochemical parameters that fall outside the normal range, particularly sex hormones and insulin levels. Taking Replenitol for just 3 months can lead to the normalisation of these markers and symptom improvement, taking it for 6 months maintains that biochemical correction and can lead to further improvements of syndrome aspects such as acne and hirsutism. At 6 months more than half of the subjects were free of all acne symptoms, a third were cured of the hirsutism symptoms and all severity bands showed significant improvement at 3 and 6 months.It would be interesting to see what the picture is at 12 months and beyond and we hope that further research is conducted in this regard. It is expected that the treatment of hirsutism would improve because this is one of the last symptoms to respond to therapy because the life cycle of hair follicles is approximately 6 months.

How well does it compare with and enhance the actions of the oral contraceptive pill?
Underlying most diagnoses of PCOS, one often sees biochemical parameters that fall outside the normal range, particularly sex Below, you can see the benefits of taking the oral contraceptive pill (OCP) but it has no effect on the long-term risk factors. Replenitol can also improve your biochemical profile and the typical symptoms that are often associated with PCOS alone or in conjunction with the OCP but, more importantly for your long-term welfare, it significantly raises "good" cholesterol (HDL-C) and lowers "bad" cholesterol (LDL-C).
Taken over the long term, Replenitol can provide lifelong protection.

In combination with the OCP, Replenitol “offers a more effective long term therapeutic choice for controlling PCOS”(16)